09 Dec

Gold Award in the Outstanding eLearning Awards

Mr. Fung Chee Hin Jaison is the Gold Awardee in the English Language Education stream of the Outstanding e-Learning Awards (傑出電子教學獎英國語文教育金獎) (2023/24) for the entry “Emulating Visible and ‘Authentic’ Learning Experiences via Thinking Routines and VR Cave”. The competition was organized by the e-Learning Development Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong.


Mr Fung investigated how to deepen learning by using Thinking Routines and VR Cave. The module was Writing a Short Story on Animal Rescue. In the interactive lessons, he created animal captivity in a Virtual Reality (VR) cave situation. He examined how particular thinking routines, using LoiLoNote, could be used to activate more visible learning. Students wrote short stories about animal rescue. He demonstrated how students could acquire a clear and authentic understanding of animal abuse, while cultivating empathy throughout the process.