Principal's Message

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all back to school, especially our S1 students who have newly joined our LKK family, after a tumultuous time of the pandemic marked with confusion and uncertainty.
Our school has long been a firm believer of the experience of success in education. As the renowned early 20th century writer Robert Collier famously put it, “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” With this vision in mind, we have made it our mission to empower our students in their quest for knowledge through making consistent efforts and progress.
Life is full of setbacks and obstacles- and the pursuit of knowledge is, of course, no exception. Even the great explorer Christopher Columbus had made four arduous voyages in the vast Atlantic Ocean, each marked with unthinkable challenges and setbacks, before he finally unveiled the New World to the rest of the world. Between where we are and where we want to be, there are bound to be obstacles and setbacks. But each step we take, no matter how small, is one step closer to reaching our goal.
Every day, we are constantly acquiring new knowledge- be it in class, in the library, on the Internet or through interacting with our peers. Success means different things to different people- some aspire to excel academically, while others strive to achieve new heights in competitions or other fields. Nevertheless, the key to success ultimately boils down to one rule- through making consistent efforts and progress.
The Arabic proverb puts it succinctly, “Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force but through persistence.” The pursuit of knowledge, likewise, requires not so much an innate talent from God, but rather perseverance, consistence and a strong will to succeed.
Thanks to the contributions of all former principals, our school has laid solid groundwork both in terms of teaching philosophy and infrastructure. I would like to especially thank former Principal, Mr. Lo Man Piu, for his great insights and leadership during his 9-year service at this school.
Going forward, I hope all of you will not be daunted by setbacks or challenges but instead, take them as learning opportunities for growth. May we all take small but firm steps every day towards reaching our goal!
Principal Chung Yiu-kee